Category: News

Tips for developing your client base!

Groupe Marketing International offers different ways to develop your business, whether for active or prospective clients. Joanne Fafard, customer experience director at GMI, takes pleasure in sharing ideas to help you succeed and develop a new area or even increase the potential of your active customers.

MRC Les Moulins: a perfect example of adaptability

Tailored customer service Groupe Marketing International is very happy to announce its new mandate with MRC Les Moulins to offer relational customer service for public transportation users in this region. The MRC already had an internal customer service department, but considering the current population growth, the directors wanted to make

A king customer or an informed customer?

What’s the difference? A king customer means that they have everything they want. An informed customer, meanwhile, means that they’re looking for information, that they know what they want, and they’re looking for the best way to get it. The difference can be seen in the way companies treat requests

Combine strengths to increase customer loyalty

Fidéliser: Une mission en soi Avoir une clientèle fidèle en 2015 est une mission en soi.  Les clients sont exposés à tellement de marques, de produits qu’il peut être difficile de faire son chemin et laisser sa trace. Les compagnies sont constamment à la recherche de moyens de marquer les

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