Customer service quality in crisis management: the advantages of a call centre


Whether it’s during the holidays, sales, or any other period involving a spike in traffic, commercial enterprises are generally faced with special needs with regard to customer service. Indeed, the sporadic influx of interactions, prospects, and customers on these occasions imposes certain operational constraints, particularly with regard to front office activities and incoming call management. To better handle these difficult periods, relying on a call centre is therefore – without a doubt – the most effective solution, but also the most appropriate for ensuring quality service in every circumstance.

Effective handling of call overflow

One of the main characteristics of promotional periods and spikes in commercial activity is call overflow. As the telephone is still the primary method of remote contact between you and your customers, incoming call traffic is generally much more important on these occasions. To deal with this effectively without also totally jeopardizing your internal organization, it’s best to rely on the services of an external call centre. A partner of choice in this specific case, a call centre can directly handle all or some of your incoming calls to unclog your switchboard by responding without delay. You’re therefore spared from additional pressure while being certain that all of your incoming calls receives an immediate response.

Proper incoming call processing

Specializing in the remote management of customer relationships, call centre agents are trained to ensure the adequate processing of each incoming call. As opposed to autoresponder services, which are limited to putting people on hold, they can ensure the complete processing of each call. Thanks to the conversation scripts established in line with your company’s discourse, business processes, and procedures, each call is processed as if it were received internally. The remote client advisor also takes messages and sets appointments, as well as redirecting calls. Insofar as the prerogatives assigned to them permit it, they may also help resolve customer requests before transferring calls to the relevant people.

To optimize the customer experience

Ensuring quality customer service in crisis situations is a major challenge for businesses. It’s extremely important to be able to maintain quality relationships with your customers. That involves optimizing the customer experience, even during these very specific periods when tension and pressure are often exacerbated. Responding in a timely manner, the client advisers at your partner call centre have the necessary perspective to do this. Furthermore, unlike answering systems and other mechanisms for putting callers on hold, which are cold and impersonal, call centre agents guarantee friendly contact, which is essential for scoring points in the customer loyalty process.

Do you want to properly deal with a spike in activity or a promotional period? Contact us and benefit from all the advantages of a well-managed call centre without having to handle the associated operational constraints.

Micheline Durocher,

President, Groupe Marketing International


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